What Maya Angelou Taught Me



I have been a longtime admirer of Maya Angelou.  She has been a favorite of mine ever since my love of poetry blossomed in elementary school.  I tend to revisit a few of her most famous works when I am in need of hope or inspiration.  A couple weeks ago I had the urge to read Phenomenal Woman, Caged Bird and Still I Rise.  Every time I read them I am filled with gratitude that she put these words together.  I feel empowered.

She taught me to never let this cruel world break my spirit.  I am the first one to admit that I am a sensitive soul.  I often think the best of people even when this may not be the case.  I still believe that the world is mostly full of good people.  I am naive.

Sometimes, I wonder if I need to readjust my attitude or maybe adopt a more realistic view of the world and its inhabitants.  But that would require me to change my own character.  When I read quotes from Dr. Maya Angelou I am reminded to keep my head up in a negative world.  I am reminded that I must stay true to myself.  I am reminded that the world needs people who continue to love in an unlovable world.  We are all humans sharing the same space.  It is not a sign of weakness to be kind to unkind people.

So, thank you Maya Angelou for lifting me up when I needed it and reminding me that it’s okay to be me.


Monday Inspiration!

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I took this picture last year at Bell’s.  (Yes, I take a lot of pictures there!) I am IN LOVE with the landscaping.  The front has a lot of lavender and fox glove.  The beer garden has a lot of different types of flowers that are beautiful but not too organized.  I love gardens that look like they weren’t planned.

It’s nice to have a place to go to in the city that’s full of green grass and flowers!  The beer is another draw too.

Happy Monday!